  • On February 19-10, the Regional  English  Language Officer (RELO) Jennifer Uhler and her assistant Olga Paterova visited our American Corner in Karaganda.

    On February 19, Jennifer made a presentation about the RELO programs such as English Language Fellow Program, The English Language Specialist Program, and The English Access Microscolarship Program.  Jennifer also underlined such resources Shaping the Way

  • On the 31 of January, the American Corner Karaganda welcomed Martin Ryan, Vice consul and Ulan Akhmetov, Consular assistant from the U.S. Embassy Astana. The Embassy guests talked to some 50 AC patrons about an important visa issuing theme.

    The AC staff invited college and university students using social media, the AC's Facebook. Students were excited to ask about visas for English language learning courses

  • On January 23, the American Corner Karaganda held an event  on the U.S. Presidential Inauguration. We received print and e-materials from the US Embassy Astana that we used for preparing this event. The participants watched the ceremony of inauguration, listened  to the President Obama's Oath of  Office and his Inaugural address.

    Result: the AC Karaganda created a book exhibition and shared with the participants a number of

  • On January 21, the American Corner Karaganda had a Round table "I have a Dream" devoted to Martin Luther  King, Jr., who was a great civil rights leader and fought against racial discrimination. Some 20 AC patrons learned about his life and his heritage.

    The result: the AC patrons learned about the American history, the African-American movement, the Civil Rights Movement and learned many new words. We used materials sent by

  • On January 17, the American Corner Karaganda organized a presentation on the Teaching Excellence & Achievement Program (TEA) that provides international teachers with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas in the USA.

    The moderator of the event was Gulnaz Zhukenova – a TEA program alumna and a great partner of our American Corner. Gulnaz
