  • On October 21: the American Corner Karaganda dedicated the Reading Club session to the Teen Read Week in American libraries. Teen Read Week (the third week in October) is an initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), which is a national association of librarians, library workers and advocates whose mission is to expand and strengthen library services for teens, aged 12-18.

    Why is it

  • American Corner was a Viewing Hosts for the eighth webinar course entitled Shaping the Way We Teach English. The Office of English Language Programs offered Webinar 8.5 to our рarticipants and encouraged to join the associated Ning ( to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars. The series were running from October 3rd to November 28th,

  • On October 9, the American Corner Karaganda dedicated a Round table discussion to the Columbus Day. Our moderators were the teachers from the local Business Academy. As a result, over 40 participants took part in the event and learned about the celebration. We made copies about the life of Christopher Columbus, practiced asking and answering the questions about the content of the text, and played games.  The AC patrons love the organization of the event, had a lot of fun and learned a lot

  • October 07 American Corner Karaganda had a Lesson on American idioms and expressions. FLEX alumna Madina asked us to make our own sentences using them.

  • On September 14, the American Corner Karaganda made a presentation of FLEX program due to the launch of calls of applications for this program.

    Through the cooperation with the City Department of education, we invited a large number of  students. The moderators of the event were students  from the local school Murager. Being FLEX alumni, they offered  a nice presentation about their host families and high
