The Flag is one of the main symbols of the state that represents its sovereignty and identity. The Russian term “flag” for Flag comes from the Dutch word “Vlag” and means cloth of officially adopted size and colour and commonly with an image of emblem (coat of arms).
The Flag of sovereign Kazakhstan was officially adopted in 1992. It was designed by Shaken Niyazbekov.
The Emblem is one of the main symbols of the state. The Russian term “gerb” for Emblem comes from the German word “Erbe” (legacy) and means hereditary distinctive sign that represents a combination of figures and objects to which a symbolic sense reflecting cultural and historical traditions of the state is given.
The history is an evidence of the fact that the nomads of the Bronze Age that inhabited the territory of modern Kazakhstan identified themselves with a special symbol which is called totem. Its graphical expression further got the name “tamga”. This term has been for the first time used in the Turkic Khaganate.
The Anthem is one of the main symbols of the state. The Russian term “gimn” for Anthem comes from the Greek word “Gimneo” and means solemn, ceremonial song. The Anthem serves as an important sound symbol with a key value for the effective socio-political consolidation and ethnocultural identification of citizens of the country.