  • March 10th, Fatih Thompson teacher who works in Astana, (who visited us on February 23th with Ben Taylor) came back to the Regional library named after N.V.Gogol. He conducted the session about funny laws. It was the second visit of Mr. Thompson to the library, and he loved it so much.

    People who visited his session they were very excited for the meeting, because they came up with the topic of the session. Session started at

  • Наконец наступила весна: и в природе и в наших календарных мероприятиях. Все библиотечные вечера, встречи, круглые столы пронизаны одним настроением: ожиданием весны, обновления, света и радости.

  • In honor of celebration of 85th birthday of Karaganda, there will be launch astronomy club in Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after N. Gogol. Our city has always been closely connected with space. As everyone knows, the first astronaut from Kazakhstan was our homie. And especially it must be admitted the relevance of researching of outer space today, accordingly we are launching this club. The aim is introduction with basics of

  • France is the center of European fashion, culture and love. There are a lot of magnificent beaches of French Riviera, luxury ski resorts of French Alps and value medieval architecture of ancient cities. Every person can choose his or her own France: castles, museums, palaces, beaches, vineyards and vine-making districts, a spa resting resorts and colorful nature, ski resorts and majesty of Alps. French literature takes the central position in intellectual and

  • American Corner Karaganda which placed in the International Book Department had a great new year's eve party. Twinkling lights of garlands, delicious treats, exciting quizzes created a wonderful new year mood. Readers of the library, who visited the event, smiled like children, and gladly participated in the games prepared by volunteers. It
