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  • On June 6th of 2020 marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of the most famous member of his family, rich in famous writers, Nobel Prize winner in literature Thomas Mann.

    Paul Thomas Mann, a German writer, was born in Lübeck on June 6, 1875, in a wealthy family. His father was a grain merchant and head of the family company. Difficulties with money began in 1891 after the death of his father. And the Mann family moves to

  • Thomas Hardy, an English novelist, was born in a tiny English village near Dorchester. The years of his life united two centuries (1840-1928). He lived at the crossroads of epochs. His first book was published more than a hundred years ago; the last book was publicized in the 20s of the last century. He is known as the greatest writer of the late Victorian era.

    As a nine-year-old boy, he was sent to study in Dorchester to

  • The American writer Eleanor Porter was born in 1868 in the state of New Hamshire in a family of descendants of the first British immigrants. Her father was a wealthy man and gave his daughter a good upbringing. E. Porter received musical education in singing. Later she entered the Boston Conservatory, but then she preferred literature to music. In the 90s of the XIX century. her stories begin to appear in American magazines, and in 1907 she publishes her first

  • Кітапхана қорында Жеңіс туралы көптеген әдебиеттер, әндер жинақталған. Өнер туралы әдебиеттер бөлімі Ұлы Жеңістің 75 жылдығына майдангерлерге рух берген, халық арасында кең таралып, сүйіп айтатын әндерді жинақтап «Бейбіт күн тілегі» атты әндер жинағын құрастырды. Бұл әндер жинағы өнер сүйер көпшілік қауымға, музыка мектептерінің мұғалімдеріне, студенттер мен оқушыларға, кітапханашыларға
