On August 21 English speaking club users were participating in the topic “Ғылым таппай мақтанба=Поэзия–властитель языка =Abai–the founder of Kazakh poetry”.This year is connecting with 115anniversary from Abai’s death. We spoke about his life, using the book exhibition.
Every work of this great thinker and poet makes one think and opens our eyes to the world around. We got acquainted with Abai’s poetry from our childhood, while learning at school and then through our life. Both in adolescence, at a mature age, people share their most inner thoughts with Abai, take his advice, and get deep down answers to all their questions.
Our grandfathers and fathers admired the genius of Abai. The fact is that both a young man with an open heart and a man of science do draw upon Abai.
The word of Abai was and still remains essential for us at all times. In his due time, Abai sharply caught the lapse of time, peered into the way of life of his society, and studied his contemporaries’ customs: all this cast him down into the abyss of worry for his people’s future.
He regarded the young generation with a great hope, believed in their better fate. Words, known by heart by any grade school pupil.
There has hardly been a topic unmentioned by Abai in his works. He observed all sides of the human life. Especially, the Word 39 of his philosophical prose has been apparently addressing our time. Here the poet speaks of two noble traits in character of our ancestors which they cherished as the apple of the eye, and handed down from generation to generation. «First, there were people who were called “the chief of the people” and “the superior of a community”. They settled disputes, run community activities. It was unacceptable to challenge decisions of “the chiefs” or “the superiors” or to run from one to another. And the second, people enshrined and valued honor. Should someone call others to the aid, mentioning names of their ancestors, all rushed to the rescue, forgetting hurts and discord, willingly making concessions and sacrifices».
Here Abai has pointed out that the unity of the people in preserving national unity, strengthening and consolidating the state power of the independent Kazakstan are the point of honor of each citizen of the Republic.
Abai’s legacy and principles are a universal school for the previous, present and future generations of Kazaks.
Abai’s words are a sacred treasury for those who have preserved «lustrous cleanliness of heart and willing spirit»!
Regional research library named after N.V. Gogol has a great collections dealing with Abai. The participants of the club read his poetry on Kazakh, Russian, German, and other languages by heart and using books with translation. They have shared their own perceptions of Abai’s philosophy and have raised its significance today.