On Sunday Speaking club Moderator of club and  AC users have discussed  State Symbols Day of our country. According to the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007 year the day of the 4th June  was announced as the Day of the State symbols. Every year our country celebrates this Day.

Firstly, our participants shared with their information about state symbols: creators, description and what they reflect. It was pleasant that they knew about them. Then they were given detailed information about National Flag, Emblem and anthem.

The National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted in June, 1992. The creator of the Flag of Kazakhstan is the artist Shaken Niyazbekov.

The flag of our Republic is a blue rectangular cloth. The blue color of the flag means a cloudless sky over the land and people, peace and quiet, bright and happy future.

The Emblem  founders are architects Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Valikhanov.

The Emblem of Kazakhstan is made in the same colors as the Flag. It is represented in the form of a circle - a symbol of eternity. In the middle of the Emblem there is the upper arch of the yurt. In Kazakh it is called "шаңырақ" . 

Currently, the National Anthem is a solemn song, dedicated to the state. Anthem glorifies power and greatness of the country. Its words contain a centuries - old history, today’s life and dream about the future.    The song was written by poet Zhumeken Nazhimedenov and composer Shamshi Kaldayakov in 1956. But later in 2006 President Nursultan
Nazarbayev took part in the creation of new text. The text reflects the proud spirit of the Kazakh people.

These symbols have great significance in the country as tokens of nationhood and independence. The state symbols are inherent attribute of an independent state. Everyone should respect state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 After discussion AC users sang a national anthem and   got acquainted with book exibition "Мемлекеттік рәміздер – ұлттық мақтаныш".