On “Reading is fashionable” club  AC users have known a lot about the poet of freedom Dulat Babataiuly whose work was chosen  as the book of the year. According to tradition,  The organizing committee of the Republican campaign "Бір ел - бір кітап "  chose the  book of the year in 2016. A well-known scientists and writers, heads of the regional libraries  voting by secret ballot  chose Dulat Babataiuly and his work. One year whole country will  read and discuss  book "Өсиетнама".

Dulat  Babataiuly representative of the XIX century Kazakh poetry. He was born in Ayaguz Semipalatinsk region (1802 -1874).

The son of a nomad, that did not stop him from becoming one of the most educated Kazakhs of his time. He studied and knew Arabic poetry. He is known for having one of the first Kazakh poets passed from oral creative improvisation to poetic works that have been written and then printed. In addition, he is considered to be the first Kazakh poet who wrote satirical works. His first collection of poems  "Өсиетнама" published in 1880 in Kazan. It was very informative and interesting to participants.They read information about his biography and his works. Our active user Aigul tried to translate one of his poem from Kazakh into English with her own words. After discussion they got acquainted with book exibition “The poet of Freedom” where were presented his books, articles about him, collection of poems. His poems glorifying the virtues such as hard work and honesty, and criticize evils: arrogance and mendacity, social injustice, idleness, sycophancy, were widely known among the Kazakhs.

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