American Corner Karaganda patrons were fascinated by an amazing event on February 22 – Storytelling through a dance presented by cultural ambassadors – choreographers Paul Emerson and Tara Compton. The American guests were accompanied by acting Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy Drew Peterson.

There was a lively discussion about modern dance, its history and development, about classical ballet and Broadway shows and the participants got highly interesting and informative answers from the guests.

The most exciting part of the event was improvisation of expressing various emotions such as joy, anger, love, sadness, rage through the language of dancing. Many participants eagerly took part in this fun exercises. Also, cultural attaché got engaged in a dancing sketch!

Over 100 attendees of the event immensely enjoyed the interaction with the talented choreographers and received lots of positive energy. A number of print and internet media were present and covered the event.

The library director, AC coordinator, and the whole city of Karaganda are very grateful to the US Embassy for bringing the American dance to the Kazakh miners’ town and leaving so many people inspired through this emotional, creative, and unforgettable meeting!