A very interesting discussion was on September 30. English club users were speaking on the topic "Еңбек- бәрін жеңбек=Человек труда всегда у нас в почете= Labor Day" in Kazakhstan". Kazakhstan celebrates the Labor Day on September. The holiday was introduced on the initiative of President N.A. Nazarbayev and would be traditionally marked on the last Sunday of September.
The holiday named Labor Day is celebrated in many states across the world, but its date differs from country to country. When Kazakhstan was part of the Soviet Union, its citizens observed International Workers' Day (equivalent of Labor Day) on May 1. The holiday was marked with parades and other celebrations held throughout the country. In 1995, the government of Kazakhstan replaced International Workers' Day with Kazakhstan People's Unity Day.
In 2013, President N.A. Nazarbayev decided that the country needed a holiday dedicated to the labor movement and workers' achievements, so he designated the last Sunday in September as Labor Day. The first celebration of the new holiday took place on September, 2014. Nazarbayev also instituted a special medal Yenbek Ardageri (Mедаль "Еңбек ардагері") to honor veterans of labor on this day.
Labor Day in Kazakhstan is widely celebrated across the country with official speeches, award ceremonies, cultural events, etc. It is a non-working holiday for most citizens of Kazakhstan because it always falls on a weekend.
The main objective of this holiday: to stimulate productivity, promotion of working professions among young people and strengthening the long tradition of working dynasties within the idea of the President to build a society of universal labor.
In addition we marked the professions that have made a significant contribution to the development and strengthening of the economy of Kazakhstan: mining and metallurgical complex, the coal industry, oil and gas industry, engineering, and many others.