On June 23rd 2015 Amanzholova D.B. - director of regional research library named after Gogol N.V. had a meeting with guests as Katherine Kaetzer-Hodson– Cultural Affairs Attaché, NealofarPanjshiri– Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs Regional Alumni Coordinator, Tyler Vanlandingham– Intern. Alumni of different programs were visiting the meeting. Active alumni were Volkova Olga - alumna of CC program, volunteer of American Corner Karaganda, Yerkaeva Nina. The aim was to create a networking of alumni and intercommunication, interaction. Also they discussed business environment, shared predictions of the development of Kazakhstan on the worldwide stage.

All guests visited photo-exhibition "Ортақ жеңіс!" where rare photos from US National Archives, the Central State Archive of Documentaries, Photo Documents and Sound recordings of the Republic of Kazakhstan were illustrated.

The United States Embassy Public Affairs Section accepts applications to its Alumni Grants Program.  The purposes of this program are to provide alumni with networking opportunities, to further the professional development of alumni and their colleagues, and to assist them in the implementation and dissemination of the concepts that they explored during their exchange programs.

Only alumni of U.S. Government-sponsored exchange programs are eligible to apply for this program.  Considering limited funds and to ensure wider coverage of alumni, three-year rule of non-eligibility is applied to all previous grantees.

All grantees will be strongly encouraged to use the State Alumni website to share their project results with the broader alumni community.