Уважаемые читатели библиотеки!
Мы рады сообщить всем почитателям таланта писателя О. Бокея, что конкурс на лучший перевод на английский язык отрывка из его повести «Қайдасың, қасқа құлыным» («Отзовись, мой жеребенок») завершился. Конкурс, объявленный программой Информационные ресурсные центры- Американские уголки и НАБ РК в рамках проведения Акции «Бір ел-бір кітап» вызвал большой интерес среди активистов Американского уголка.
Ведь при переводе на другой язык художественного текста необходимо проявить не только хорошее знание языка, но и поэтический склад, любовь к художественному слову, умение проникнуть во внутренний мир писателя.
О.Бокей - писатель со сложным метафорическим языком, философским видением мира. Чтобы переводить его - нужна определенная смелость. Тем более приятно, что в конкурсе участвовали 15 человек, представивших переводы, как с русского на английский, так и с казахского на английский.
Лучшими стилистическими переводами были признаны работы семи участников, из них четыре участника из Караганды.
Абдрахманова К.А. учитель английского языка СШ№ 61,
которая выполнила перевод с русского на английский
Everything in this world is a tribute to the past. But when we were passing the Auliekol I forgot about it, I forgot about everything. My feelings trapped in the nets of life, escaped suddenly and dissolved in the shadow of tremendous cedars, the lake was surrounded by. The noise of the stream falling into Auliekol from Akshoki, pierced into my ears. This is the place - white gurgling, blinding splashes and white foam rushing away to the sky! And suddenly I pull out the reins- it seemed to me that Auliekollake dried and became a swamp and furious mount river vaporized and turned into dry canyon. What happened to you my Altay? This is not happening! Let the destiny prevent such thing.... And again unknown inspiration possess me, my leaps whisper something, I cannot sea anything around me.... The knocking of hooves of hundreds of thousands of tulpars is in my chest; millions of heaven birds sing in my soul; thousands of lakes like Auliekol, flood around in my chest; there is no space for my heart; I open my mouth; oh my god, have ever my eyes been so insatiable, nothing they can stop on, examining these mountains, these bulks, every peak, every ledge. I am a poet! My tutor is my homeland, my teacher is strict Altai.
What is wrong with me ?Have I gone mad because of the joy that fell over me like waterfall? Oh Altai, my life! Have I overdone trying to describe your beauty.
Студентки Гуманитарно-педагогического факультета университета Болашак Мейрамова Айгерим, Алиева Гульназ и Кожабекова Сара, выполнившие перевод с казахского языка на английский:
- Fragment from the story of O. Bokei “Where are you my colt?”
And now the wind which helps Alakol to not feel alone for thousands of years cleaned my soul from mind and my feelings entangled in the nets of being, suddenly, break free and dissolved in the crowns of mighty cedars surrounding the lake. The ears heard flow noise rushing in the Auliekol from the Akshoky. This is it; this is the place of white boiling blinding spray and foam carrying away into the sky. And suddenly I pulled the reins in terror. If the lake Auliekol has dried, if it has become a swamp and if rough mountain river has vanished, what will be with you my Altai? But this can’t be! So the fate will prevent that… Again strange enthusiasm is over me, my lips whispered something, and I don’t know why, I wanted to write the poet. I don’t see anything over me… In my chest there is fractional-clop of hooves of hundreds and thousands of steppe horses; and millions of birds of paradise sing in my soul; and thousands of lakes such Auliekol bottled in my bosom and heart closely, and I open my mouth; Oh, my God, there was case when my eyes were greedy on anything, they can’t stop feeling the piercing these mountains, these masses, every peak, every ledge. I am poet! My mentor is the native soil, and my teacher is strict Altai! What’s the matter with me? I felt that I am always alone. But now it seems like mountains and steppe sing a song. Why? Haven’t I gone mad with joy which struck me like a waterfall?
Mейрамова Aйгерим
An excerpt from the story O.Bokey "Where are you my colt"
Fresh air that thousands did not leave alone Auliekol and now cleared my wise mind and inner feeling that fly like a bird sitting in a cage. A plain full of wild roses were spread to the great mountains as their families with many generations. Akshoky hiding their secrets puts on airs as a sage of this family. The morning dew has dried up long ago, and green space began to smell. Yes, everything in this world is a tribute to the past. But when we went around the lake Auliekol, I forgot about that, I forgot about everything. My feelings entangled in the nets of being suddenly break free and dissolved in the crowns of mighty cedars, surrounding the lake. The ears burst flow noise, rushing in from the Auliekol Akshoky. This is it, this is the place - white boiling, blinding spray and foam carrying away into the sky! And then I pulled the reins in terror - it seemed to me that the lake has dried Auliekol turned into a swamp and rough mountain river vanished, and I see before me dry ravine! What happened to you, my Altai? Yes, this can not be! So will prevent the fate that ... And again incomprehensible excitement over me, my lips whisper something, I do not see anything around . In my chest fractional-clop of hooves of hundreds of thousands of steppe horses and millions of birds of paradise sing in my soul, and thousands of lakes, such Auliekol, bottled in my bosom and heart closely, and I open my mouth, My God, yes there were when my eyes so greedy on anything they can not stop feeling the piercing these mountains, these masses, each protrusion. I am a poet! My mentor is the soil, my teacher is strict Altai!What is the matter with me? So maybe I go mad with joy that struck me like a waterfall?Oh, Altai, my life! Didn’t I praise you describing your virtues? There were millions of people but I felt alone. Why? But now it's different. It was as if the mountains and the earth sing, really I am dizzy from the great joy.
Алиева Гульназ
The fragment from the poem of O.Bokei «Қайдасын, қасқа құлыным»:
«....and here now Auliekol has cleared my reason which thousand years could not find rest, and my innocent feelings stormed like a little bird in the cage; In front of me a series of hills covered with roses near the high mountains, including Akshoky; Early morning dew has already dried up and flowers delightfully smell sweet. Auliekol is so beautiful that it seems someone protects it. Unusual noise of the stream has rushed into my ears, reaching in Auliekol from Akshoky, as boiling of water, splashes and foam that again rise in the sky; I can feel whiff of the wind comes from Auliekol. If suddenlyAuliekol dried out and would turn to the bog. What will happen with you, my Altai? I hope God help us and will not allow it. I do not know why but I am overcome with excitement, my lips whisper something and awake passion to write. As thousands of millions of birds singing in my soul and these feelings just a love to my motherland and especially to Auliekol. Oh, my God, when my eyes were so insatiable, even my eyes run up: mountains, lakes – all the beauty of our nature. I am poet! My mentor is my motherland, my teacher is the proud and strict Altai! I felt lonely even when I was among thousands of people. Why? But now everything has changed.....I am happy more than ever……»
Кожабекова Сара
Sarah From Kazakh into English