The annual spelling competition in Astana is organized by the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. 33 students from different regions of Kazakhstan took part in “Spelling Bee” contest.  Three contestants were from Karaganda region: Meruert Sovet, Tatyana Viinnichenko, Alexander Gorbunov. These students passed the Spelling Beein January, which was held in Regional scientific research library named after N.V. Gogol in Karaganda.

So in the city of Astana at the republican stage of the contest, MeruertSovet, a fourth-year student of the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, became one of the prize winners.

The purpose of the competition was to support Kazakhstan's trilingual policy and popularization of the English language among the youth. Spelling Bee, which is new to Kazakhstan, is a big part of American culture. For more than 90years schoolchildren of America have been participating in it. The challenge is to spell a word while standing on a stage. At times it appears difficult to spell a word correctly because there are many words in English which are spelled differently than pronounced. Spelling Bee is an old tradition, which goes back to early 1920s.

The U.S. Embassy chose English as priority theme this year, and this competition has been held to support this initiative, according to US Ambassador in Kazakhstan George Krol, who opened the event.

Now the prizewinners of the republican competition will participate in the Central Asian stage to compete with the winners from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on March 10 in Almaty. Let’s wish good luck to our homegirl!


Совет, АЖерлесіміз топ жарды // Орталық Қазақстан. - 2018. - 20 ақпан.